Jun 25Liked by Sarah Miller

Love this challenge idea, especially as school starts back for us in mid-August. Feels like a nice routine to build at breakfast as we look to find the new rhythm of the school year.

When Green Becomes Tomatoes and And Then It’s Spring by Julia Fogliano are also wonderful. I imagine all of hers are! I also would read Wet Cement: a Mix of Concrete Poems by Bob Raczka with my students during our poetry unit.

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Yes, everything Julie Fogliano touches is gold! And I've seen Wet Cement but not taken a look -- I'll have to check it out.

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So neat! I’m going to give this challenge a try.

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Yay! I'd love to hear how it goes for you. It's beyond my reach right now -- I just can't make it happen, for a whole host of reasons -- but I am curious to see how (if) other people enjoy it.

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I really love this idea for both me and the kids! We have Dark on Light and LOVE it! MY 6 year old often chooses is for his bedtime book. I didn't realize it was poetry??

We also just got A Whiff of Pine, a Hint of Skunk - A forest of poems from the library!

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Yep! Most of White's books are poetry, even if they don't appear so. (I interviewed her in 2022, and she talks about her poetry influences: https://canweread.substack.com/p/interview-with-dianne-white)

A Whiff of Pine... is new to me -- do you like it?

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Thanks so much for the link! We have Green on Green too - so sweet.

Yes there are some really funny poems in A Whiff of Pine!

Also do you know about the large anthology A Whale of a Time - I LOVE it! (Not possible for the daily challenge, but a great one nonetheless!)

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I do. I borrowed it from the library a few weeks ago because everyone who mentions it has just raved about it. I loved the selection of poetry -- and the idea, of course! -- but honestly found the book itself to be unwieldy. I hold books up while I'm reading to my kids over breakfast (the primary time we read poetry) so they can see the images and that book was unmanageable in that sense. The content was fabulous, though!

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Love it

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Obviously I love this.

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Who do you think I wrote it for? 😉

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Jun 25Liked by Sarah Miller

Swirl by Swirl is so good! I feel like so many Children’s books are poetry without explicitly saying they are. I love this!

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