Jun 18Liked by Sarah Miller

What a beautiful concept—thank you for sharing. Sending lots of love to you during this time. Be kind to yourself. 💙

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I’m sorry you and your family are having to endure so much. I hope books like these—somehow, in some small way—help you feel a little less alone. I echo Grace’s comment. Thanks for sharing with us.

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Sending all the love, Sarah ♡ And thank you for highlighting books such as these ~ this is a topic often requested by guidance counselors and teachers in my school library.

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Jun 18Liked by Sarah Miller

Oh, this gave me chills, and reminded me of this 2016 episode of This American Life, where you can hear people in the phone booth, calling loved ones: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/597/one-last-thing-before-i-go-2016

You sharing your words - and the words of others - makes the difficult emotions less painful - it eases the sting. Your writing is a wind, a balm, a caring and cooling kiss and touch.

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Jun 18Liked by Sarah Miller

I hate this for you. Sometimes unconditional love is all we have and what they need 💛

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Big hugs Sarah. You WILL be okay :)

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Jun 18Liked by Sarah Miller

Thank you for being so open and sharing!

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Jun 19Liked by Sarah Miller

I've never heard of a wind phone but what a brilliant idea. I hope you find the exact right rotary phone and it brings you some happiness and memories (even if tinged with sadness at the same time). <3

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If it helps, there's this organization that specializes in helping people with grief: https://www.dougy.org/

They have some resources here: https://www.dougy.org/grief-support-resources

And here's a global search for programs: https://www.dougy.org/program-finder

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At this rate, my July picture book list is going to be all filled up with new recs from you before I even start making it. I'm not sad about it. Love to you. 💜

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