Dec 19, 2023ยทedited Dec 19, 2023Liked by Sarah Miller

I love how self-aware and intentional you are, and I LOVE the water bottle + book prompt.

My eldest protested a few mornings ago, when I asked him to stop reading and get dressed: "But I NEED IT. Reading is like drinking for me". "Bring your book" reliably helps to get him out the door!

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Oh I love this! Your corner looks very cozy. I read between 70-100, I find that when I'm over 100, something else is going on that's causing me to retreat from the world a bit, so it's a warning sign rather than an accomplishment.

Like you, I watch very little TV. Sometimes I wished I watched a bit more, but I go to bed pretty early, we don't have a TV in our bedroom, and by the time I've done bedtime rigamarole, I want to shower and get into bed with my book. I listen to a lot of podcasts and very few audiobooks, except through my exposure from my son's books at bedtime (which I only hear part of, sometimes I need explanations of the plots...)

I'd like us to be better about bringing a book or a game out and about with us. I don't tend to carry a bag at the weekend... my mom friends who are very on it laugh at me when I show up with my keys and phone shoved in my pocket, maybe an apple. But it would be nice to read in a cafe, while waiting for brunch etc. It would be a good way to get my son's school reading in.

My mom has bought me some loop headphones for Christmas and I'm very excited for them. I find it hard to read while my son is watching a bit of TV on the weekend, so end up scrolling my phone or working instead, but I think they'll help. See also, trains where people are having loud chats.

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I loved reading this! Iโ€™m always fascinated by othersโ€™ reading routines and habits. It was so much fun to delve into yours. I think the world would be a lot more patient and pleasant place if everyone read publicly!

Iโ€™ve got to ask now... whatโ€™s the best medieval nun book youโ€™ve read? ๐Ÿ˜„

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Loved this post then, love it now.

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I am very similar except the book quitting! I struggle so much with that. But...I do think either I am easily pleased or good at picking books because I donโ€™t struggle often.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Sarah Miller

When I read Matrix, by Lauren Groff, a couple of years ago, I was like, โ€œThis is my genre! I want more of this!โ€ Iโ€™m so glad to learn that thereโ€™s at least one other person who feels the same way๐Ÿ˜‚

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Thanks for linking to your "peek;" I really enjoyed getting to work with you. I've been thinking about you and how you are doing in this season of your life. The holidays can be hard on a good day and with your mother's accident, I'm sure this time is much harder for you. I hope she is healing and doing better. Hugs to you. Take care.

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I loved reading thisโ€”especially because I related to *so much* without realizing it. The first was the TV one but it wasnโ€™t even intentional on my part! My husband and I loved watching TV together pre-kiddo but now we barely ever make the time (which we wish we did) because weโ€™re both so tired after the day of working and parenting a rambunctious almost 4-year-old, that we slink off into our corners for alone time. And mine involves reading!

More specifically, I read an audiobook while working on a coloring book. I started this hobby over a year ago and itโ€™s been the best, most relaxing hobby of my life! No joke from someone who canโ€™t ever relax (thanks, ADHD). I think itโ€™s because my brain (book) and body (coloring) are engaged at the same time.

I love what you said about not commuting with podcasts, too, because I think theyโ€™re the #1 reason I donโ€™t read more audiobooks. Iโ€™ve got like 10 audiobooks checked out from my library at once (all spicy romance) that I read during my evening hobby, but like 300+ purchased and unread ones waiting for me in Audible. SIGH. Theyโ€™re all mostly nonfiction, and I think I struggle to read those type of books late at night because my brain is like, โ€œplease, no books where I need to really think and learn.โ€ But then since I mostly do podcasts during the day, itโ€™s become a problem.

Re: putting your phone down at 7pm. I looove this strategy and feel that I need it! But considering that I can only manage to read audiobooks these days, it doesnโ€™t seem feasible. Any tips?

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I love that bringing a book has become so natural in your home. Thanks for all you do to spread the love of reading โค๏ธ

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Thank you Sarah. It has taken me until this year to feel comfortable quitting a book and it feels so good.

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Dec 19, 2023ยทedited Dec 19, 2023Liked by Sarah Miller

I also read a lot and like you, I donโ€™t watch much TV or use my phone much. Reading makes me much happier. I have a mystery story about medieval nuns for you if you havenโ€™t already read it: A Swarming Of Bees by Theresa Thomlinson, the first in a two-part series - both are great! I also love the idea of prompting kids to bring their book with their water bottle - something Iโ€™ll be trying as mine gets older for sure.

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This year my reading habits have been interesting (more on that another time), but I am not mad about it! I tell me kids "grab a book" too, always. We almost never read them, but we have to have them! It feels a bit too on the nose when I am out and about with my tote bag that says "read" with a book in my handโ€”but hey, I'm not false advertising.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Sarah Miller

I read as soon as my kids go to bed, and ignore the TV my husband is watching. Books are the lifeblood!

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Sarah Miller

I am in awe!

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Sarah Miller

From where do you get your audiobooks? Iโ€™m disinclined to pay for Audible for a variety of reasons and the Hoopla from my library is crammed full of dreary genre fiction Iโ€™m not interested in. Iโ€™ve experimented with finding short stories and such on YouTube and have had some success with that but it can be finicky for audio things. Suggestions?

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I follow many of your tips. Always keep a book at hand. I have my phone set to lock after 7pm but I most often override and waste time. I hope I'll be more intentional in Phone use in 2024.

Also how amazing that you've read lots this year

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