Jun 6Liked by Sarah Miller

From my teaching days, I am in agreement about Patricia Polacco—she is just the best! Loved reading my Rotten Redheaded Older Brother to my second graders. Have added Mommies Say Shhh! to our library list.

I hope that you and your family can find a rhythm this summer, and I am so excited to hear more about your book! From reading your newsletter, it’s evident that you are confident and capable (and also inspiring and encouraging!), so I have no doubt that whatever it ends up being it’s going to be fantastic.

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Jun 6Liked by Sarah Miller

Thinking of you and your family as you adjust to a new rhythm this summer. Yes, marriage is complicated as hell... Sending love to you, Sarah 💛

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Sarah, I would add to confident and capable: loving, resilient and lovely. I’m thinkin’ about you! ❤️

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Thank you for the intro to Patricia Polacco! New to me for my 21 month old. When did you find your kids could handle not destroying paper books (vs board books). I was thinking it was closer to 3, but this makes me think we might be ready sooner.

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I never let my children destroy books. Chew on and mangle the indestructible ones, yes. But tear paper or stand on books, no, never. Those boundaries made the transition from board books to picture books easier. And there is no age when that happens -- it just depends on the kiddo.

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Point taken. I was thinking more about dexterity. My son likes to turn the pages when we read but in our previous attempts he’s still struggling with dexterity & paper pages.

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Ah, I see -- again, I think that really just depends on the child. There's nothing wrong with helping him turn the pages, for as long as that needs to happen. (One of my children ate with her hands -- like, literally could not hold or use a utensil -- until she was close to 4. Development of all kinds takes the time it takes, so if he's ready for paper books, just support him, and trust that the dexterity will come eventually.)

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Jun 6Liked by Sarah Miller

THE DUMPSTER DIVER reminds me of my OWN preschool days where we did something called "junk art," and now I'm inspired to create my own version of it in my house alongside this book with my imaginative little dude who just proclaimed he wants to be "a maker."

I also always have to say "it", so I appreciate that you do, too. Love and work and self and relationships are all important and hard (and deeply personal, of course), and I choose to agree that it's refreshing when people admit it. Cheering you on, especially to get through the 11:15 dismissal :)

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Thank you, Clarkie 🩷

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Congratulations on the promotion! And this community that you’ve built with your own bare hands is here to support you however you need. Your grace (for yourself and others) is boundless and I admire that about you so much.

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Ah, thank you, friend. That's super kind.

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Jun 6Liked by Sarah Miller

Thank you for sharing snippets of your life here. Let me just say--it is the season, it is the season--in all the ways. In solidarity--xoxo.

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Jun 6Liked by Sarah Miller

You’re also BRAVE for sharing. Life never goes the way we planned but whenever I look back the dots seem to connect. Wishing you luck ❤️

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"Whenever I look back, the dots seem to connect." Yes, yes, yes. Thank you for reminding me.

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Sending all the best vibes and thoughts your way as you're adjusting to all these new, heavy, complicated things. What a time!

That WWII novel in verse looks absolutely incredible, and I don't know how it's slipped under my radar till now.

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Sarah! Let me send it to you!

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😲😲 that would be amazing!!!

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Email me your address! It might take me a few days to get it in the mail but I will send it your way ASAP.

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So sorry to hear about everything that is going on with you and your family. Marriage is difficult on a good day--I guess that's why I'm twice divorced and perfectly happy and content by myself. Keeping you in my thoughts through this.

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Jun 6Liked by Sarah Miller

I love that you're a mommy that isn't "shhh'ed." You have so much to write and say, and people want to read and hear it.

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Jun 9Liked by Sarah Miller

What a gift to everyone around you that you bring your authentic self, always. Wishing your sweet family comfort in new routines being built this summer.

I’m 100% confident that Olivia would adore Mommies Say Shhhhhhh.

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Yes, you need this book!

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Coming around a week later (because you know how it is, right?) to say how much I appreciate every bit of yourself you share here, good, rough, confusing, in-the-midst-of, joyful, etc. Your words always make me feel a little less alone, too (as you mentioned to me today), even if the things we're going through are wildly different. Anyway, sending you a big hug across the miles.

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Thank you, my sweet friend ❤️

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Jun 20Liked by Sarah Miller

Sarah, I'm behind on reading your posts (see similar situation to this: "they are released from bondage at 11:15am (does every school district everywhere hate working parents and do everything they can to make our lives an impossible hell?"). First, congratulations on the promotion! Go you! Second, you 100% are confident and capable (and smart, funny, wise, engaging, an excellent writer, beautiful, and creative) and you and your family will get through this time in whatever the best way is for your family. In the last decade, I feel like I've seen a lot of different paths taken by friends in their marriages and family life and things have a way of working out, even (often) if not as expected. Tomorrow is our 16th anniversary and gosh, I had no idea how hard marriage is when I got married. When is the time to start talking to my children about this?

Requesting The Dumpster Diver right now. My kids are attending a maker camp this week and loving it. Our house is filling up with imaginative (very large) cardboard creations. My OCD self is being tested (in a good way... I think).

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