I bought and read Crossing the Pressure Line on your recommendation Sarah and loved it just as much as you. I missed Wisconsin summers so bought it for that reason and my children talk a lot about death (as I think many kids do) so I wanted to share with them some of the complicated feelings that Crossing the Pressure Line does so well. I thought it was such a great book and while it did make me cry, it wasn’t steeped in sadness the whole time which I was worried about. Lovely to read an interview with the author.
I love this, Rebecca -- and I'm thrilled you read it and enjoyed it. Laura absolutely nails that up-north summer vibe (which is a lot harder to do than it seems, I think).
I read (and enjoyed) Crossing the Pressure Line immediately after you shared last year that it was your favorite book. Thank you for sharing the backstory about the many reasons why and it was interesting to hear from Laura (and thanks for the middle grade recs).
So glad it resonated, Barbara!
I bought and read Crossing the Pressure Line on your recommendation Sarah and loved it just as much as you. I missed Wisconsin summers so bought it for that reason and my children talk a lot about death (as I think many kids do) so I wanted to share with them some of the complicated feelings that Crossing the Pressure Line does so well. I thought it was such a great book and while it did make me cry, it wasn’t steeped in sadness the whole time which I was worried about. Lovely to read an interview with the author.
I love this, Rebecca -- and I'm thrilled you read it and enjoyed it. Laura absolutely nails that up-north summer vibe (which is a lot harder to do than it seems, I think).
P.S. Wisconsin summers miss you too 😘
Wow, can’t wait to read this book!!
This was a lovely interview, Sarah. Thanks to you and Laura for sharing your authentic conversation.
Aw, thanks, Jessica 💕
Thank you both for sharing your stories.
I read (and enjoyed) Crossing the Pressure Line immediately after you shared last year that it was your favorite book. Thank you for sharing the backstory about the many reasons why and it was interesting to hear from Laura (and thanks for the middle grade recs).