Oh, to have had some of these books as a child, teenager, and young woman! Thanks for the roundup, and for introducing me to Virginia Sole-Smith.

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I know. I wish these books existed when I was a lot younger. But I am glad they're here now and that I can share them with my children.

(I can't believe I haven't told you about Virginia!!)

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No, you did tell me! That's how I found out about her Substack - through you!

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Makes sense. I think I've told everyone I've ever met about Burnt Toast 😂

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I love Burnt Toast too.

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It's amazing.

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Sarah, I'm crying reading this. I am so moved by the experience with your daughter. And I too felt so seen when I read Tyler Feder's book, especially by the hairy bodies. What it would have meant to read that text as a child. We love a couple of the others on your list too (learned about here, mostly), though I will say my kids sometimes like to twist the message of Body Boundaries to their parents disadvantage (e.g., "I'm not putting my winter coat on. It's my body boundary." hahaha!

And I love Burnt Toast too. Honestly, her newsletter has changed my thinking in more tangible ways than years of studying and teaching critical theory.

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I’m so glad this resonated with you so deeply, Sara. I hoped people would get something out of it — if nothing else, the knowledge that these types of books exist and are incredibly afffirming for all types of people and bodies.

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Sara, my daughter has totally twisted the message of that book, too. "I'm not getting my flu shot! It's my body boundary!" ;)

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"I'm already loved." Confirmation that you are an amazing mama (not that it was up for debate).

We all love Bodies are Cool and now I'm tracking down all of these other recommendations from our library. Thank you!

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Thank you, Darcy ❤️ It definitely felt like a win, and I'll take every single one I can get.

I'd love to hear if any of the other titles are a hit with your family...

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Sarah, I'm so glad you started this conversation. For kids 8+, I highly recommend Guy Stuff: The Body Book for Boys. It's actually the counterpart to American Girl's The Care and Keeping of You!

I did tons of research a few months ago for a book that could help spark conversation with my 5th grade son, and this was perfect. It covers all sorts of topics: sexual development, body positivity for boys (!), and skin and body care. I was blown away to see a whole chapter on emotions...mood swings, new romantic feelings, etc.

Worth adding to the list!!

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Awesome, Katie! Thank you so much for this suggestion — there’s definitely a hole in my knowledge about books for boys, so I appreciate it. I’ll update the post.

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It really helps me communicate with him about everything he's about to go through...(someone pray for me). I did catch him with his nose inches away from the bathroom mirror the other day, looking for signs of a mustache. (No signs)

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This is one of my very favorite things about books — the helping communicate.

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