Oh so many good reads in here! Thank you for sharing… adding some to my library list.

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Jun 13Liked by Sarah Miller

My kids at age 6, still get new things out of their Wimmelbooks (seek and finds from Germany) that they have had since they were 2.

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Yes! I've heard great things about these books.

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I’m so excited that you wrote about The Puddle Pail, because that’s a book that has been very much on my mind the past couple weeks! My students (4 & 5 year olds) love collecting nature items, and I thought they would like the illustrations of Sol’s collections. They were laughing out loud at Sol’s frustration with Ernst’s whimsy. I see so much of both characters in my students - the urge to grasp what is tangible and the ability to integrate metaphor are both so present at this age. It’s going into my short list of core books for this age group.

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Yes, yes, yes to all of this! It's such a great book with a lot more nuance than meets the eye.

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My oldest read The Prairie Thief on his own at some point, but I’ll have to pick it up for all of us to enjoy together!

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It's so good -- I loved it just as much as my kids.

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Jun 13Liked by Sarah Miller

We were surprised at how much we loved odd one out!! Can’t wait to check out the Santat illustrated work. Exciting

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Right?! It seems like nothing and then it’s awesome.

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Now that I have a monthly picture book list on my library's app, I've started just adding books from your newsletter straight to the next month's list. The Puddle Pail and Built to Last went on it immediately!

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I love this 😆

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