Recommended by Sarah Miller
Can you ever read too many newsletters about children's books? No! The limit does not exist! Alexis regularly curates an eclectic -- and excellent -- handful of books to help you find the ones worth reading together.
I love this newsletter for its sneak peek into the mind of a thoughtful children's author and poet. I recommend it for anyone who loves art, poetry, children's books, and the sweet spot where all those lovely things overlap.
Do I homeschool my children? No. Do I live in England? No. Do I find lots of value in peeking in at Catherine's low-key but intentional life of family learning? Absolutely. I always look forward to reading this newsletter (and the books she shares are frequently amazing)!
I always open Meera's emails, because I know whatever's inside is going to be beautiful, thoughtful, and real. She's a true artist, sharing her life and her process, and Dear Somebody is an uncommonly lovely newsletter.
It's hard to describe what children's book author/illustrator Rachel offers in her eclectic newsletter, but it's consistently delightful, and I know, every time it lands in my inbox, that I'm going to enjoy it.